Malaysian Youth Delegation to UNFCCC COP21 Paris


by mydclimate


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Malaysian Youth Delegation to UNFCCC COP21 Paris

Global South Youths
Global South Youths

Applications are now open!

We are now accepting applications for the Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD) to the 21st Session of the Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)! All applicants, regardless if you’re selected, will be welcome to participate in the Power Shift Malaysia climate campaign over the course of the year.

COP21 will be a defining year for climate progress, and we’re excited to meet a delegation of change makers who are dedicated to fighting for a just and stable climate.

We will do our very best to make this program financially accessible to all delegates – and with that said, delegates are inevitably responsible for covering their travel, housing, and food expenses. The MYD, and Power Shift Malaysia members, will also work to secure grants, hold fundraisers, and help raise money to cover trip expenses. Delegates also typically undertake individual efforts to raise funds to cover their costs of attendance. Leading up to COP21 we’ll have members of the delegation, who are experienced in fundraising, support others through the process of personal fundraising. If you have more questions or concerns about the financial aspect of COP21, please feel free to reach out to us (powershiftmsia [at]

Malaysian Youth Delegation to UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris

The Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD) is the voice of the Malaysian youth climate movement at international United Nations climate conferences, UNFCCC. Made up of dedicated and inspiring youth leaders from across the country, the delegation represents the demands of a generation working to create a just, safe, and livable future for all.

[Tweet “Join the Malaysian Youth Delegation – MYD to #UNFCCC #COP21 Paris”]

At UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris, France, MYD aims are to:

  • Represent the youth climate movement in Malaysia
  • Hold our leaders accountable for their actions
  • Pursue justice for those suffering the effects of climate change
  • Act in solidarity with frontline communities in Malaysia and across the globe
  • Seek solutions to one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever faced

About the Delegation:

Selected COP21 delegation members will attend the UNFCCC climate negotiations in Paris, France from November 25 – December 15, 2015.

This year’s delegation will be facing many challenges within and outside of the UN framework. We’re looking for excited, talented, inspiring young people to join us in Paris this year. Our focus will be in growing real change, both at COP and beyond.

The structure of the campaign and delegation will be in three primary tracks: Media, Mobilization, and Advocacy. Here are a few examples of what you might do as a delegate within each of these tracks:

  1. Media: maintain our online social media presence, craft MYD newsletter during COP, write press release template, pitch delegation stories to larger media outlets, track media hits
  2. Mobilization: train delegates for how to plan actions in the UN Space, coordinate with other action planning hubs,
  3. Advocacy: tracking policy development in the UNFCCC, train delegates in advocacy aspects of the UNFCCC and the MYD support strategic policy engagements for the delegation through lobbying and other associated efforts.

Other potential responsibilities on our team include fundraising, logistical support, identifying and facilitating coordination opportunities with other youth-focused groups, leading on artistic elements of action, and more! There is a TON of flexibility in how you use this space. We are open to new and creative ideas on how our delegation can most effectively push for the world we need.

In months leading up to Paris, you’ll be expected to do approximately 5 hours of work per week. This will fluctuate depending on your role, and will definitely increase as we draw nearer to COP21.

COP21 is incredibly important to the planet’s future. Negotiators are working to create a new global climate deal by the end of the conference, which could be monumental – or a total flop. Youth involvement is vital to reshaping this process in a way that meets the needs of our communities, and our planet.

As we work towards an ambitious and legally binding document, Power Shift Malaysia delegates will have the opportunity to work with government officials, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world, all while organizing direct actions, coordinating media outreach, and lobbying government delegates.

Apply Now:

All applicants will be notified of the application results in early May, and the selected candidates for the delegation to Paris will be required to confirm their participation shortly thereafter.

We will be hosting an in-person retreat for all selected delegates, which will be held on the weekend of June 5th-8th. Location is yet to be determined.

For any questions, contact (powershiftmsia [at]

We look forward to seeing your application!

Want to find out more about us? Visit our What We Do page.

You can also follow us on Twitter @PowerShiftMsia or like us on FB Power Shift Malaysia


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