Knowledge, MYD2015

#MYD Training Series


by mydclimate



#MYD Training Series

#MYD Training Series – Training on UNFCCC negotiations and media work with various climate experts, government bodies and civil society leaders, from July until Nov 2015.  Each sessions will run for 2 hours and will be broadcast live on Google Hangout. Hangout will be available on YouTube for future reference.

Gan Pei Ling (Journalist and Analyst) - Media and Policy Training
Gan Pei Ling (Journalist and Analyst)
– Media and Policy Training

Malaysia is a party in United Nation Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) to combat climate change. However, the voices from the youth are often unheard and not taken into account in national policy making. Reference to Article 6 in UNFCCC, (a(iii) public participation in addressing climate change and its effects and developing adequate responses), we foresee the importance of getting the involvement of public especially youth in climate change negotiation process for a better future.

A series of training is designed to effectively provide the exposure to the UNFCCC processes with the active stakeholders. The list includes, Malaysian Negotiator, Guardian’s top young campaigners to watch in the lead up to COP21, award winning journalists, producers, editors and many more.

Trainer Date Title
Aizyl & Zan Azlee 12 July Podcasting and other new channel of journalism
Linh Do – Australia 20 July How to effectively communicate UNFCCC process and decisions back home?
Chris Wright – Australia 23 July How can youth be effective in influencing the UN climate negotiation?
Yin Shao Loong – IR Researcher 14 Aug Translating the International Climate Agenda to the National Level in Malaysia
Anthony Tan – CETDEM 16 Aug Malaysia’s Civil Society engagement in forming climate policies.
Dr Gary Theseira – Malaysian Negotiator  17 Sept The power-play within the groupings? Current and historically.
Hillary Chiew – Third World Network  28 Sept Climate Change – An overview and state of the international negotiation
Gan Pei Ling – Award winning Journalist  24 Oct Youth and Malaysia’s Media reception on Environment news
Dr Fredolin Tangang – IPCC Panel Scientist  31 Oct IPCC and Climate Science Modelling
Adrian Yeo – #PowerShiftMsia Nov How does UNFCCC works?


#MYD – Malaysian Youth Delegation – Malaysian youth climate movement at international United Nations climate conferences, UNFCCC, participants will be mentored and hold engagements with various climate expert bodies and dialogue with Malaysian policy makers and negotiators.

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