Blog, MYD2015

12 More Days To Go For COP21


by mydclimate


12 More Days To Go For COP21

Greetings Beautiful People who come by to read this website,


It’s just twelve more days before the significant COP21 is bound to take place in Paris.
All youth delegates as well as people working with PowerShift Malaysia are very excited about this.
Very excited, indeed. How about you?

Personally, I see COP21 just like how I see the  final public examinations that I had to take in certain academic years. If you’re familiar with Malaysian public education system, then you’d know SPM, STPM, etc.

As a student, we took notes in class, did our homework and be prepared as well as we could before we sit for the examinations. For COP21, it is terribly similar.

We observe what is happening to the earth, it’s climate and the effects. Just like a student, we spent a lot of time to learn and explore our subjects in order to better grasp the concept about it.That is why many countries took the effort to prepare an international agreement prior to the UNFCCC COP21 called the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

As you are reading this, I am sure your curiosity is bubbling within you, so why not click at this link to take a look at all the INDCs submitted by all the “good students” of the world.

Remember, the INDCs will largely determine whether the world achieves an ambitious 2015 agreement in COP21 !




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