Warmest Greetings !
In our previous post, we had insights from Mr. Richard =)
In this post, we will hear what our fellow MYD has to say on Malaysia’s stand on climate change.
Here, let me happily share with you some insights from Elyas Eric:
Malaysia is a developing country that’s on the brink of becoming a high-income nation. If we manage to hit our economic target by the year 2020, we will be standing on the same league as other high income countries such as Singapore. However, as we are transforming Malaysia to become a high income nation, we face substantial challenges: marrying economic development and environmental protection. Therefore, in this context, Malaysia can offer a new perspective in taking actions against climate change.
As peaceful as it is in Malaysia, we are vulnerable to climate change. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments, the past records of Malaysia climate show similar trend that has been encountered globally(Bindoff et al., 2007; Trenberth et al., 2007). Malaysia’s temperature had increased 0.18 0C per decade for over 40 years since 1951 (MOSTE, 2000). Since 1986, the average annual rise in sea level at a southern coastal site in the Peninsular Malaysia increase by approximately 1.25mm (UTM, 2007).
As a developing nation, Malaysia faces similar challenges that other developing countries are experiencing. Malaysia has overpassed the great divide in climate change negotiations: we have entered the 21st century as one of the richest countries in SEA. During COP15 in 2009, Malaysia, with support from developed countries, proposed to reduce its carbon emission to 40 per cent by the year 2020 compared with its 2005 levels, and in the same year, the National Climate Change Policy was introduced to ensure climate-resilient development and serves as a framework to mobilise and guide Government agencies, industry and communities as well as other relevant stakeholders in addressing the challenges of climate change in a concerted and holistic manner.
In pursuant to the proposal in Copenhagen, the National Corporate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Programme for Malaysia (known as MYCarbon), was launched on 3rd December 2013. When it comes to negotiation, we were promised many great things, and although we didn’t get the funds or technology we were promised at Copenhagen, we stuck to the pledge we made there. In the Tenth Malaysia Plan, 2011-2015, as a result of mitigation measures, we have cut the emissions intensity of our GDP by 33% of the 40% proposed in the past five year. The Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016-2020, will focus on climate resilient development that incorporates climate change and environmental considerations into policy and development planning, evaluation and implementation.
Listed in Non Annex I as a developing country, Malaysia has no quantitative commitments under the Kyoto Protocol at present but instead, acts as one of the observer countries. However, together with all other countries, Malaysia is already committed under the UNFCCC to combat climate change by formulating, implementing, publishing and regularly updating national and regional programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change. Under the UNFCC, Malaysia is addressing anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases.
Malaysia aims not only to graduate into the high income category by 2020, but also to shift to a new period of a low carbon economy. We are determined to get there not through rapacious consumption, but sustainable development. Asian leaders must argue for strong and effective action on climate change. Though, it is difficult to adapt to the new climate threat, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while still pursuing economic development, nothing is impossible if everybody plays their roles.