#PowerShiftMsia, Blog, MYD2015

Biggest Climate March I’ve ever joined! #D12


by mydclimate


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Biggest Climate March I’ve ever joined! #D12

At the last day of the #COP21, the thousands of people with diverse nationality gathered to voice out their wants to the people in the plenary halls. People dressed in red hats, red clothes, red scarfs, red gloves holding red umbrellas and red banners to draw their #RedLines, from Arc de Triomphe to the renowned Eiffel Tower.

The #D12 action is the largest civil disobedience movement during the period of COP21. It only obtained the police’s consent a few days before the action day as Paris is under emergency state.

First time participating in large scale climate movement like this, I was very impressed by the pumped-up atmosphere of the rally. The high-spirited chants and rallying calls are very influential; I felt so agitated when I heard them before I exit the train station! I immediately joined the troop, holding the hundred-metre long banner and thrusting the inflatable cobblestone, as I amplified my cries.

Another thing that caught my attention was the attendance of the senior citizens. Not one or two, there was hundreds of them. I saluted them for standing up for the future generations and making the movement an all-age one, instead of youth only.

The chants were very creative and rhymed, which strengthened the voice of the people and enhanced the “oomph” of the calls. My favourite ones was “The people, u-ni-ted, will never be de-fea-ted” and “It’s up, to us, to keep it in the ground”. Till now I can still hear the deafening chants vividly repeating beside my ears.

In a nutshell, I am very glad that I joined the march and I appreciate the sense of belonging that the people at the action gave me. Although I failed to participate in the planning and preparation of the #D12 movement, I felt proud of my teammate, Amalen who joined the process of making the astounding banner and of coordinating the movement! It might be even better if we are allowed to sit in the bridge across the Seine river longer instead of moving towards the square under the Eiffel.

What do we want? Climate Justice! When do we want it? Now! #d12 #cop21 #eiffel #myd

A video posted by #PowerShiftMsia (@powershiftmsia) on

It was as exhilarating as the first-time experience of I giving an intervention during the SBSTA closing plenary. The fun and epic moments of occupying the bridge in front of the Eiffel Tower and speaking to random strangers (which I like to address them as my yet-to-know friends) is one of the most enjoyable time that I had in Paris.

For more details and photos, search #D12 and #redlines @ Google!

Written by: Elaine See

Marching towards the Eiffel
Marching towards the Eiffel

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