It is a bright shiny slightly warm day for me. Well, it is warmer than most of the winter days in Paris and MYD members are heading off to a parallel event of COP21. We walked down to the street of Jaurès.
Apparently, the parallel event I am heading to is known as Paris de L’avenir. It means “The Future of Paris” We are here. Landing at the space of future Paris where green technologies and innovations were introduced in response to climate change. Sometimes I wonder, who decides the future? We decide for ourselves but what about mother nature we are living in? She does and we just have to adapt to her change. As we learned climate change is real from the past decades of research and discoveries, we need to adapt to her change by using alternative measures to survive her catastrophic wrath.
So, it was a long stretched of exhibitions along the river. I will share with you four interesting green technologies (supposedly in harmonious with our mother nature) that intrigued me.
- Electric, Autonomous and Connected Mobility – VEDECOM is an electric and autonomous vehicle focus company focuses on two main objectives of energetic transition: energy storage and mobility for everyone. The vehicle provide new services, development while respecting security issues. Powering household appliances by capturing energy during peak energy consumption.
- Dual Energy Solar Tracker – The dual energy solar tracker IDCmem is a mirror hub with heat exchange feature to produce hot water and photovoltaic panels for electricity production.
- Recycled Materials for Development – Marbre d’ici is a new concrete made with locally collected and recycled rubble. Crushed and mixed with cement demolition and building-site waste are transformed into a new raw material to be used in the construction of public space, interior and object design and architecture. Marbre d’ici is also a perfect vehicle for participatory projects in which professionals and local residents get to work together on the transformation of their city.
- Waterless Toilet in Town Centers – ECOSEC is a waterless toilet that helps to conserve “a third of domestic water consumption that are used for toilet flushing” and global phosphorus supplies that shrink rapidly via converting their waste into hygienic fertilizer! The waste water will be recycled and reused while the urine will be injected deep down 20 cm of the soil to accelerate breakdown of the waste into compost.
Written by: Jolene Journe T.
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