Blog, MYD2015, UNFCCC

Meeting Inspiring People in COP21 – Jolene Journe T, Pt. 1


by mydclimate



Meeting Inspiring People in COP21 – Jolene Journe T, Pt. 1

liaHello, I am Hilyatuz Zakiyyah (Lia) from Indonesia. I work at the Office of President’s Special Envoy on Climate Change Indonesia. I am a communication specialists who concern about environmental issues especially climate change. I grew up in a family of musician who also loves nature and it gave me big influence for me. My passion for environmental conservation developed more and more as I get older. I also love to sing and dance as well, just like my family.

At Paris COP21: What is your role and what you are looking forward at COP21?

I was part of the committee members for Indonesia Pavilion at COP21. I helped organizing the seminar sessions in the Pavilions and also in charge of the Youth Session which gathered youth leaders from several countries. As COP21 was my first COP, I was particularly interested in making contacts with various organizations and learn more about events organized in COP21.

What are the major climate changes induced disasters that may affect your country?

As an archipelago country with more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is very vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Based on data from National Agency for Disaster Relief, almost 80% of the disasters in Indonesia are climate related. A record from 1982 – 2012, the disasters in Indonesia were dominated by flood (4121 cases), landslide (1983 cases), typhoon (1903 cases), and drought (1414 cases). Furthermore, as 60% of Indonesians live in coastal areas, sea inundation from the sea level rise will threat tens of millions of people to be displaced.

What are you or your organisation / government doing in your country on climate change?

The youth for climate change focuses on awareness raising campaigns as well as capacity building for members and youth in the network. It discusses about the basic of climate change and climate actions that can be done locally by youth. We have established several branches in Indonesia which all have developed their own program and initiatives.

Any tips you learn at COP that you would like to share with us?

As I have to stand by at the Indonesia Pavilion, I listened and learn a lot from the 55 seminars and lectures organized in the Indonesia Pavilion. I am intrigued by several clean technologies displayed and installed in the area of COP21 and several public spaces in Paris. Some of them are quite interesting such as the charging stations which energy derived from the cycling activity; rented electric cars, solar panel to light up an installation in Champs Elysees, etc.

Do you have any upcoming events happening at COP or Post-COP that you would like to share with us?

With fellow young Indonesians from Youth for Climate Change, we will organize a panel discussion to discuss about youth actions on climate change according to Paris Agreement. Several of us will also join the training by Al Gore from the Climate Reality Project Philippine in March 14-16, 2016.

Have you attend any parallel / side events at Paris other than COP21?

I was attending the Transport Day on Sunday, December 6th at International Union of Railway in Paris where I can attend several sessions related to sustainable transport. I was particularly interested in the topic of creating a walk able city.

JedHello, I am Joseph Edward Alegado or Jed from the Philippine. I am currently a student at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands. I was a former Media and Communications Officer of Oxfam in the Philippines. As a Media and Communications Officer, I did some campaigning for food and climate justice as part of Oxfam’s GROW campaign.

At Paris COP21,  I am a Climate Tracker for the Adopt a Negotiator Project, a group of 10-15 young climate trackers from around the world who are tracking the negotiations and ensuring that negotiators will come up with a fair and binding agreement in Paris.

What are the major climate change induced disasters that are affecting your country?

Extreme weather events like Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 have frequented the Philippines. We also have experienced slow-onset impacts like El Nino,

What are you or your organisation / government doing in your country on climate change?

The Philippine government is quite active in climate change adaptation especially that we are not one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. We have a Climate Change Commission which is tasked to implement the National Climate Change Action Plans and oversee the Local Climate Action Plans of local government units.

Any tips you learn at COP21 that you would like to share with us?

It pays if you brush up on the geo-politics and history of the UNFCCC.

Do you have any upcoming events happening on Post-COP21 that you would like to share with us?

None as of the moment. But I am trying to help Adopt a Negotiator build a youth network here in The Netherlands.

Have you attend any parallel / side events at Paris other than COP21? If yes, can you highlight the event(s)?

  • Climate Vulnerability Forum – During the first day of COP 21, the Philippines led the Climate Vulnerability Forum High Level Meeting in Hall 6 where UNFCCC’s Cristina Figueres led the meeting.
  • ASEAN High-Level Meeting with the ASEAN Secretary-General Thailand Pavillion December 8, 2015 It was a meeting of ASEAN youths in COP 21 with the ASEAN SG.
  • Sustainable Practices in the Dutch Workplace – December 4, 2015. This event shows how sustainable practices in the workplace can be implemented.

niodeKarida Niode, Indonesia. I am currently a Masters of Sustainability Management student at Columbia University in the City of New York. I have been active in volunteering for sustainable development and environment related practices since I was 14. I work closely with climate change and environmental protection NGOs, particularly the Climate Reality Foundation in Indonesia.

I wanted to participate in the Indonesian youth for climate change event to share my experiences on youth and sustainable development in Indonesia and abroad. I volunteered with the Indonesian Delegation to help out with the pavilion. I also felt that it was highly important for me to take part in this historic climate conference (so far), not only because it is related to my passion of sustainable development but also to refine my network and knowledge about climate change.

What are the major climate changes induced disasters that are affecting your country?

Flooding, droughts and forest fires

What are you or your organisation / government doing in your country on climate change?

The organization I am volunteering for i.e. The Climate Reality Project work to educate the public about the reality of climate change and promote both local and global solutions. Our members have diverse backgrounds which includes business leaders, professionals, educators, athletes, musicians, scientists, actors, students and religious leaders.

Any tips you learn at COP21 that you would like to share with us?

It is very useful to attend side events from different organizations/ countries because based on personal experience, you can gain so many useful knowledge regarding policies, technologies, etcetera. It also enables me to meet new people and expand my network generally.

Do you have any upcoming events happening on Post-COP that you would like to share with us?

Ones that I am directly involved – no solid plan yet currently. I am currently just focusing on my education. But I can contact you once something comes up.

Have you attend any parallel / side events at Paris other than COP21? 

  • Youth session at the Indonesian Pavilion, Friday 11 December: Discussion and sharing of best practices of youth actions on climate change between youths from all over the world
  • Nature Knows Best at the Indonesian Pavilion, Wednesday 9 December: The Sugar Palm Potential for Energy and Reforestation
  • Sustainable Landscape in Sumatra at the Indonesian Pavilion, Monday 7 December: Discussion of processes mainly for for-profit companies to turn pledge into practice.



William Cheng, Taiwan. 程煒倫 – 就讀台大農藝學系(Dept. of Agronomy, National Taiwan University),現任台灣青年氣候聯盟公關籌募長,以農業糧食角度關注氣候變遷,並重視國際與台灣未來能源發展。

2015年前往米蘭世博『Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life』2015年底前往巴黎聯合國氣候變遷大會以環團申請觀察員(Observer)進入會場。



What are the major / potential climate change induced disasters that are affecting your country?


What are you or your organisation doing in your country on climate change issues?

台灣青年氣候聯盟TWYCC(Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition)為台灣第一個以青年為主運作的環境NGO,同時也以台灣環境議題的青年交流平台為宗旨,擴展青年氣候行動。國際上我們研究各國政策,並且撰寫文章、發起活動推廣,透過青年與媒體網路的力量去影響政府與大眾。


青年氣候培力營TPS(Taiwan Power Shift) 與 合作,舉辦 Taiwan Power Shift 氣候行動培訓營,把國際氣候行動之力量帶回台灣。邀請亞洲友好青年組織,透過議題探討、培訓工作坊、國際氣候談判實境遊戲、氣候行動創意提案競賽等豐富的兩天活動,在台灣激發更多青年瞭解國際氣候議題,進而為氣候變遷起身行動。


How active is youth participation in your country?


Any tips about environment / your learning at COP21 that you would like to share to us?


Do you have any upcoming events happening on Post-COP21 that you would like to share with us?

會在七月暑假舉辦青年氣候培訓營Taiwan Power Shift,敬邀各國青年共同參與,營隊將模擬COP談判會場實境,並且結合遊戲與表演,還原COP現場。透過工作坊與講者演講讓大塚體會了解相關氣候變遷知識。誠摯邀請國際青年一同參與。

Written by Jolene


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