Title: MYD 2016: Communicating Climate Change to New Audiences
Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD 2016): Youths who are currently working their way to COP22 in Morocco later this year. This is our Training Series focusing on climate policy.
Our 1st Training Series will be geared towards the techniques of Communicating Climate Change to New Audiences.
Our Training Series is open to all. No payment is required for participation. We are looking forward to seeing you this Saturday!
Date: 15 July 2016, Friday
Time: 7.30pm-10pm
Location: National Debate Excellence Centre (NDEC), 74, Jalan SS2/3, Petaling Jaya
Trainer Profile:
Trainer: Chris Wright
With his long involvement of campaigning in the UNFCCC Climate talks, Chris Wright will be sharing some of the effective ways of communicating climate change issues to new audiences using some of the key tools available today. Attendees will be able to gain an understanding of the UN climate talks from a global perspective along with its relevance to Malaysian Youth.
#MYD Training Series – Training on UNFCCC negotiations and media work with various climate experts, government bodies and civil society leaders, from July until Nov 2016. Each sessions will run for 2 hours and may be broadcast live on Google Hangout. Hangout will be available on YouTube for future reference. http://
#MYD – Malaysian Youth Delegation – Malaysian youth climate movement at international United Nations climate conferences, UNFCCC, participants will be mentored and hold engagements with various climate expert bodies and dialogue with Malaysian policy makers and negotiators. http://powershiftmalaysia.org.my/category/myd2016/myd-events/