21st century began, with catastrophic remark of a series of natural disasters and it does not seem to cease. With each of every occurrence of force majeure, it is time to rise and put words into action. The Paris Agreement, is somewhat the silent prayer of environment, is finally heard. It is the collective and concurrent endeavors of 175 countries, echoing with nature’s outcry.
Some say that the Paris Agreement is the historic milestone of 21st century. It is the responsibility of stakeholders like nations and corporations, and the Paris Agreement guides us all with implementations of climate action. Paris Agreement marks the aggregate voice of most countries in the world, with mutual commitment of carbon reduction. Subsequent to the Conference of Parties 21 (COP21) held in Paris and the signing of Paris Agreement in New York, wheels are set in motion with Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany which aims to further discuss on execution of Paris Agreement.
Many, including the foreign minister of France, Laurent Fabius acknowledges that the ambitious and balanced plan of Paris Agreement is a historic turning point in the goal of reducing global warming; United States’ secretary of state, John Kerry comments that Paris Agreement is the strongest and most ambitious climate pact ever negotiated. Mutual tracking system serves as a “check and balance” in fulfilling the commitment of nation towards Paris Agreement and nature as a whole; approval of financial initiative by Global Environment Facility Council helps the developing nations to effectively monitor and report their progress in reducing national greenhouse gas emission.
Paris Agreement serves as an inspiration. Paris Agreement seems to be zealous, high-reaching and even an eager beaver. However, it is the instrument that draws the cooperation of most countries in the world to commit to common good of human being. It urges the developed countries to have marginal profit and environmental preservation and restoration aligned; it sparks the developing nations that they are not alone in environmental protection and improvement.
Mutual confidence, common goal and equal endeavors are linchpin to not make Paris Agreement the second Kyoto Protocol. The question now is, are we ready? This is something for all of us to ponder upon.
Written by: Ooi Wan Mei (Charlotte)
Edited by: Nicole Lim Pei Pey