Title: MYD2016: Prospects for the forthcoming UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakech 2016
Hello, everyone! We will be having our fourth MYD 2016 Training Series this coming Sunday with Chee Yoke Ling from the Third World Network (TWN). Admission for the training is free. Join us at the training if you are interested in knowing how climate change policy works in the UNFCCC context! RSVP HERE or at the form below! 🙂
Kindly read up on TWN’s analysis of the Paris COP 21 and Paris Agreement and a shorter version of the Paris Agreement analysis which makes some links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of the UN as preliminary reading prior to the training which will help to provide an insightful background of COP 21 and the Paris Agreement itself.
These 2 links are also useful:
- Civil Society Equity Review of INDCs – focus on mitigation and implementing the concept of “fair shares”.
- TWN Climate News Update of the Bonn meeting (16-26 May) with articles on the debates and directions for Marrakech.
Trainer Profile:
Chee Yoke Ling was trained as a lawyer in University of Malaya and University of Cambridge and works on research and policy advocacy related to sustainable development issues and the effects of globalisation on developing countries. She is currently Director of Programmes of TWN. She works closely with key developing country negotiators, scientists, and NGOs in the work of the UNFCCC and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Yoke Ling was also a Lead Author in the 5th Assessment Review of the IPCC, in Working Group III on Mitigation.
TWN is a non-profit international policy research and advocacy organization with the objective of bringing about a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in developing countries, a fair distribution of world resources, and forms of development that are ecologically sustainable and fulfill human needs.
Date: 16 October 2016
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: BAC PJ Campus, VSQ
Registration – MYD Training Session #4
Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD 2016): Malaysian youth who are currently working their way to COP22 in Morocco later this year. This is our Training Series focusing on climate policy.
#MYD Training Series – Training on UNFCCC negotiations and media work with various climate experts, government bodies and civil society leaders, from July until Nov 2016. Each sessions will run for 2 hours and may be broadcast live on Google Hangout. Hangout will be available on YouTube for future reference. http://
#MYD – Malaysian Youth Delegation – Malaysian youth climate movement at international United Nations climate conferences, UNFCCC, participants will be mentored and hold engagements with various climate expert bodies and dialogue with Malaysian policy makers and negotiators. http://powershiftmalaysia.org.my/category/myd2016/myd-events/
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