Blog, MYD2015, MYD2016, UNFCCC

MYD17 Application Cheat Sheet


by mydclimate


MYD17 Application Cheat Sheet

  • What is COP23?

COP23 is the 23nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is the main annual meeting of all nations under the UNFCCC to build and strengthen intergovernmental climate policy.

COP23 will be held from November 6-17, 2017, in Bonn, Germany.


  • Who is Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD)?

The Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD) is the voice of the Malaysian youth climate movement at Conference of Parties (COP), more formally “the United Nations Climate Change Conference. We strike to represent the demands of a generation working and to advocate for a just, safe, and livable future for all.

Together we are strong

image from WhatToDoAboutClimateChange

  • What is MYD objective?

  1. Represent youth climate movement in Malaysia
  2. Educate Malaysians on UNFCCC and Malaysian climate policy
  3. Hold our leaders accountable for the promises and actions responsible for climate change
  4. Act in solidarity with frontline communities for those suffering the effects of climate change in Malaysia and across the globe


  • What does the delegation do?

Prior to COP23, delegates are expected to undergo trainings and perform other operational work. Our trainings will cover the 3 primary tracks of MYD: Advocacy, Media and Mobilisation

  1. Advocacy:
    1. tracking policy development and advocacy aspects of the UNFCCC and Malaysia climate change scene;
    2. support MYD strategic policy engagements through lobbying and other associated efforts;
    3. produce policy commentary or knowledge articles which also act as educating tool to the public
  2. Media:
    1. maintain our online social media and website presence;
    2. craft MYD newsletter during COP;
    3. pitch delegation stories to larger media outlets;
    4. write press release and articles to disseminate climate-related  information to educate the public;
    5. track media hits
  3. Mobilisation:
    1. Interact and collaborate with youth from other organisation and nations to plan actions in the UNFCCC space;
    2. coordinate with other action planning hubs
What if climate change is not just about the climate?

Other potential responsibilities on our team include fundraising, logistical support, identifying and facilitating coordination opportunities with other youth-focused groups, leading on artistic elements of action, and more! There is a TON of flexibility in how you use this space.

Delegates will also be constantly producing knowledge articles based on the above tracks, and will be published on PowerShift Malaysia website as part of the training. Besides, we will have the opportunity to work with government officials, civil society representatives, and youth from around the world, all while organizing direct actions, coordinating media outreach, and lobbying government delegates.

We are open to new and creative ideas on how our delegation can most effectively push for the world we need.

  • What will MYD 2017 program look like?

Month Agenda
  • Recruitment
  • Retreat
  • COP crash course #1
  • MYD buddies experience sharing + understanding youth role in YOUNGO
  • Parliament visit
  • Understanding Malaysia Constituency
  • Engagement with CSO and Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE)
  • Updates from Bonn Intersectional
  • COP crash course #2
  • Understanding Malaysia Climate Change Policies + National Determined Contribution (NDC)
  • Understanding Media/Campaigning/Journalism in Climate Change
  • Understanding Politic, Economics and Climate Change
  • COP Stimulation
  • Training series to be suggested by MYD17 member
  • Training series to be suggested by MYD17 member
  • Pre COP Briefing
  • Re-Engagement with CSO and Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE)
  • COP23
  • Post COP Forum

*all agenda listed above are subjected to change

  • What are we going to do in COP23?

We are expected to track the negotiation process and report back to local and online audiences via social media updates and articles writing. You also have the chance to take part in youth-led mobilisations or actions that will be happening in or outside of the venue, together with youth/people coming from different countries in the world.

You will also be the youth representative of Malaysia to introduce Malaysia’s condition and having the chance to learn A LOT more about the climate change issue in terms of a global perspective. 


For a better picture, you may read the article collections of MYD 2015 in COP21:

  • Who are we looking for? (eligibility)

We welcome any Malaysian youths (age 18-30 by 1st Nov 2017) or youths who are currently based in Malaysia. If you are a Malaysian citizen who is overseas, you are welcomed to apply too!


MYD is hoping to have a diverse team of climate fighters: from action-oriented climate advocators to climate policy geeks and climate storytellers. No prior or minimum requirement is needed, as we believe everyone is here to learn. If you are a risk-taker who is willing to step out from your comfort zone and constantly challenge yourself, we want you!

  • How does the commitment looks like?

Delegates are expected to begin work once the MYD 2017 team is formed. Delegates are expected to commit ~6 hours per week on preparations for COP23 from April 2017 onward. A crucial aspect of this is participating in bi-weekly conference calls with other delegation members. This time commitment will increase as the negotiations draw closer.

Additionally, if you are accepted to the delegation, that does not automatically qualified you to attend COP23. We will eventually select the final COP23 delegation based on your commitment level throughout the pre-COP period.

Note that your commitment will fluctuate depending on your role in the team.

  • Do I need to pay for anything?

We will do our very best to make this program financially accessible to all delegates – and with that said, delegates are inevitably responsible for covering their travel, housing, and food expenses. We will work to secure grants, hold fundraisers, and help raise money to cover trip expenses. Delegates also typically undertake individual efforts to raise funds to cover their costs of attendance.

Additionally, if you are accepted to the delegation, that does not automatically qualified you to attend COP23. We will eventually select the final COP23 delegation based on your commitment level throughout the pre-COP period.

  • So, what should i do now?

Tunggu apa lagi(wait no more) ?! Join MYD je laaaa.

Come at me bro

Apply here:

  • When is the deadline?

31st March 2017 23:59 (GMT8+)

  • What i need to do after i send in my application form?

Please take note that your application will ONLY be processed after we receive the requested Creative/Writing component from you as part of the application criteria. Kindly send to latest by 31 March 2017 23:59 GMT8+.

Kindly email us at if you have not receive any reply from us after your submission.

First round of interview will be out by 20th March and you will be informed regardless of being shortlisted or not. Applicants will then be called for an online screening interview.

  • What is next ?

All applicants will be invited to join our annual MYD retreat which will fall on 15th to 16th April 2017. Attendance are highly encourage.

You will go through an overview of what to expect throughout the commitment period, capacity building as well as team building sessions. You will also get the chance to interact with alumni members through experience sharing which is essential to ensure transfer of knowledge. Minimum charge will be borne by the applicants

  • Who should i contact if i have query?

You can contact us at 016-3376768 or email us @


Last but not least, we will end this with a climate change meme



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