Founded in 2015, MYD plays a two-part role of representing Malaysia’s local youth climate movement and raising awareness of climate policies among Malaysians. We have also represented Malaysian youth at international climate conferences, such as the annual Conference of Parties (COP), which is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Dedicated to making domestic and international climate policies accessible to everyday Malaysians, MYD members are mentored and trained to translate technical policies into relevant and relatable information for the public. MYD holds speaking engagements with various climate organisations and stakeholders to better understand the current landscape of local and international climate policy. Additionally, MYD organises various information sessions and workshops, such as our flagship Training Series, to educate the public on latest updates and important topics in the climate policy realm.
International Policy
We connect Malaysian youth with global climate policies and environmental institutions.
Capacity Building
MYD conducts workshops and research projects to enhance youth literacy on climate change and policies.
Stakeholder Engagement
We strive to engage with state, civil society and academic leaders to influence policy and research priorities.
Public Education
MYD aims to make the latest thinking on climate change more accessible to the general public.
Working Groups
Admin & Finance
As the backbone of the organisation, this team manages all things administrative and finance to keep MYD running smoothly.
Capacity Building
The CapB team are the forward facing team of the organisation, the main team in charge of carrying out MYD’s flagship Training Series, and generally in charge of the organisation’s public engagements.
The media team run the organisation’s social media operations, from coverage of MYD’s events to commentaries on ongoing climate topics of interest, aiming to be accessible to the general public.
Operations & Technology
The Ops & Tech team are responsible for MYD’s background operations, from website management to technical support during events, providing support where needed.
Policy & Research
The PR team explores and thinks critically on climate science and policy issues affecting the youth, Malaysia as well as the global south, producing educational articles and research for public consumption.
Human Resources
The HR team aims to create a conducive work environment for all our members. The team is therefore responsible in designing and implementing MYD’s disciplinary process, reviewing member’s performance levels and hosting social events to foster a good working environment for all.
Organisational Structure