
Malaysian National Youth Statement 2024


by mydclimate


Malaysian National Youth Statement 2024

This year, MYD continues its mission by organising the Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 2024 (MYLCOY2024) with the theme “Solidarity in Green Transition For Sustainable Malaysia”. LCOY, also known as the Local Conference of Youth, is an event under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The MYLCOY2024 theme underscores the urgency of an inclusive transition towards a greener Malaysia, underpinned by adequate financial resources, technological tools, and partnerships.

MYLCOY is also playing a crucial role as a preparatory process for MYD as one of their main climate advocacy channels. This Malaysian National Youth Statement (“Statement”) is a part of MYLCOY2024’s key component based on a comprehensive survey conducted prior to MYLCOY2024. This Statement reflects the voice of Malaysian youths on the critical issues of climate change and sustainable development aligned with the MYCLOY2024 theme. However, the Statement has certain limitations due to the small number of respondents and the brief study period which does not necessarily reflect the collective voice of Malaysian youths and therefore the full diversity of their experiences in climate change. Hence, during MYLCOY2024, the draft of the Statement was further consulted and discussed as part of the agenda, ensuring it resonates with the insights and aspirations of participating youths.

As MYD brought together Malaysian youths at MYLCOY2024, the focus was on fostering dialogue and action around the topics of sustainable finance, adaptive capacity, and science-based decision-making. This initiative resonates with the broader objectives of the UNFCCC COP29, which emphasises the need for increased ambition in NDCs and the acceleration of financial flows for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. By empowering youths through education, capacity building and advocacy, MYD aims to cultivate a generation of climate-conscious leaders ready to spearhead the transition towards a sustainable future.

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